Senin, 04 September 2017

remorse of a child against his mother

a boy named Tiros graduated from high school, but unfortunately at the time of graduation he never included or invited his mother. Tiros is the only child owned by Suti's mother, and the precious grace of God for Suti's mother.Titos's father died while he was still in the womb, only Tiros was the foundationher mother's life so she is strong to live her life.At one point Tiros said to his mother:"Mother, I am ashamed of my friends, they have a perfect mother physically and they are proud of their mother, but I am, why I have a blind mother. If only I knew, I was born by a blind mother then I prefer not to be born "Hearing the words that came out of his mouth Suti's mother said:"Son, mother is blind, buteven though you are embarrassed by the physical state that mother has, mother still love you son. "Tirospun replied: "Mom, all my friends always insult me, not even a single woman who likes me for seeing the physical mother is not perfect. They fear if someday marry me our child will also be disabled, blind as mother ".Hearing the words of his son Suti's mother was so shocked and crying, but so Suti's mother is still fond of her son Tiros and incessantly the mother was praying for his son.Seconds changed minutes, minutes changed hours, hours changed days, ultimately Tiros complete education S1 in the Faculty of Engineering. How proud of Suti's mother's heart to hear his son will graduate and become an Engineer, no futility Suti mother sacrifice during this time by selling at the market to send Tiros, tireless bu Suti work though in the state of his eyes are blind.Awaited the waiting time, when Tiros and the others will be graduated. Tiros' friends and their parents and family gathered for the event to begin, but Suti's mother was not even invited by Tiros to attend the graduation.Finally Suti's mother came alone to the ceremony, when Tiros place will be graduated, how happy the mother of Suti heard his son's name was called forward with the best value.But not Tiros, he was very embarrassedagainst his friends and lover when he found out his mother was also present at the graduation ceremony, the event that should be according to Tiros made him happy.At that moment, his mother approached Tiros while groping his son's face, and his lover asked Tiros:"Who is the blind woman? "Tiros did not answer and was silent. Finally Suti's mother said that she was her mother Tiros, heard her mother sayso, Tiros finally came home before the event finished and left his mother alone.After the event finished Suti's mother also came home without her son Tiros. But who knows when death will arrive, when they want to cross the road Suti mother passed away.Only a small bag and very shabby that is always taken wherever Suti mother while traveling. How shocked Tiros was when the hospital told him that a few minutes ago his mother had died from an accident. Andthe police officer gave the bag his mother had brought to attend the graduation ceremony, Tiros onlysilent sitting waiting for his mother who was still cleansed from the remains of blood still stuck to his body.While waiting for her mother's body, Tiros opened her mother's shabby bag and her petthat shrub. There was a picture of his mother when it contained Tiros, when Tiros was a baby,and how surprised Tiros was when he read a letter that was so shabby in his mother's purse.Tiros read the letter, and in the letter it says:"Banjarmasin, October 12, 1984, My beloved turtle Anos, my dear little baby, how precious you are to mother's mother.Even though you are blind from birth but mothers love you so much, you are the most beautiful grace you have. Son, this is the last letter that mom wrote, because tomorrow's mother alreadycan no longer write words on paper.Because tomorrow my mother will donate both eyes for you, so that one day you can see and enjoy the beauty of the world, God-given grace. Son sometime if the mother is gone and you want to see the mother, berakalah son, because there are mothers who always stay with you ".Finally, Tiros's tears flowed and it was too late for her to please her mother. Tiros remembered all the deeds he was doing againsthis mother, he just sat silent kneeling in front of the feet of his mother who had been lying stiff.All had happened and now her mother had gone away for ever."In this case teaches how much a mother's affection for her child, without expecting a reward. Mother always sincerely gives whatever she has, including her own soul ".For those of you who have read this story, Happy your mother while she is still alive though there is a shortage in Hi
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Motivation Story - Salt And Lake

Motivation Story - Salt And Lake 
Once upon a time, there lived a wise old man. One morning, there came a young man who was troubled by many problems. The steps are sluggish and the face is intricate. That guest, truly looks like an unhappy person.Without wasting time, the man told all his problems. The wise old man, just listening intently. He then took a handful of salt, and asked his guest to take a glass of water. She sprinkled the salt into the glass, then stirred it slowly. "Try, drink this, and tell me how it feels ..", said the old man."Bitter. Very bitter ", replied the guest, spitting sideways.The old man, a little smile. He, then invites his guests, to walk to the edge of the lake in the forest near where he lived. The two men walked side by side, and at last they came to the edge of the calm lake.The old man, then again sprinkled a handful of salt, into the lake. With a piece of wood, he made waves poking around and creating water ripples, disturbing the serenity of the lake. "Try, take water from this lake, and drink it. When the guest finished drinking the water, the old man said again, "How does it feel?"."Fresh.", The visitor said."Do you feel the salt in the water?", Asked Old Man again."No," replied the young man.Wisely, the Old Man patted the young man's back. He then invited him to sit face to face, kneeling beside the lake. "Young man, listen. Bitter life, is like a handful of salt, no more and no less. The amount and taste of bitterness are the same, and indeed will remain the same."But, the bitterness we feel, will depend on the container we have. The bitterness, it will be based on the feeling in which we put everything. It will all depend on our hearts. So when you feel bitterness and failure in life, there is only one thing you can do. Let your chest receive everything. Breathe your heart to contain every bitterness. "The old man then gave his advice again. "Your heart, is that container. Your feelings are the place. Kalbumu, is where you hold everything. So do not make your heart like a glass, make a lake that can dampen every bitterness and turn it into freshness and happiness. "Both then went home. They both learned that day. And the old man, the wise man, again kept "a handful of salt", for another young man, who often came to him bringing the unrest of the soul