Kamis, 20 Juli 2017

Typical singapore food

1.carrot cake

The typical singapore food that we will discuss shortly at HMC is a famous food called Carrot Cake. Typical food derived from Singapore is a food made from rice flour and radish. By mixing the two ingredients, then for the next process is in the steamed.
The next step after the steamed is fried with a mixture of eggs and sweet soy sauce that adds delicious flavor from this singapore typical food. Some variants of Carrot Cake is a white Carrot Cake without soy sauce and black Carrot Cake by using soy sauce. Although the name of this typical singapore food contained Carrotnya, but not made wort

2.Chili Crab

Its name is unique for singapore singapore this one? Chili Crab is a typical singapore food that became a favorite of Singaporean citizens. Because the typical Singaporean food called Chili Crab is very popular in the country there. Is a type of seafood food that is mostly in love by the descendants of chinese in Singapore.

Chili Crab is a food with basic ingredients of mud crab with stir-fried processing techniques make Chili Crab is quite unique. Do not forget to add chili sauce and tomato sauce that add taste from this Chili Crab. Although given the name Chili Crab, but this singapore food has a sweet taste sour.

3.Chicken Rice (Nasi Hainan)   🐓

For typical singapore food which then becomes discussed in HMC this is a typical singapore food popular with the name of Chicken Rice. This one food is also commonly called by the name of Hainan rice is a food made from rice mixed with slices of chicken, chicken broth, cucumber and celery leaves.

No need to spend deep to be able to enjoy a typical singapore food called Chicken Rice this. This is in because of this singapore singapore food is categorized including singapore singapore food at cheap price. In addition, this singapore typical food is very much the audience.

thanks ☺☺☺

1 komentar:

  1. really nice to know singapore's foods and it will be better if you costumize the picture better
